I have soooo missed you all! I have been WORKING! :) I had subbing jobs at school all week! And of course since it WAS my first week ever, AND it was the end of Feb in TN, that means that all the kids in the class (3-5 yr olds!) had "jelly doughnut" noses, which in turn, got me a raging cold, lost my voice, cough, etc! Yeah, been pretty sick this weekend, finally feeling good enough to sit here and type something to you all! ;)
This was a very eye opening week. I learned SO MANY things, as these were "special" kids! They taught me so much, their teachers did, and I soaked in soooo much! One thing I must say...You want to make extra money- sign up to sub in your school county. at this one school there had to be at least a dozen subs a day! JUST THIS ONE SCHOOL! For the week I made almost $200!!!! I am stoked! It all adds up. And every day I was home w/in a few min of my kids getting home, so they knew how to get in and didn't miss me at all!
I learned about organization from this classroom! wow were they regimented! these kids knew "check schedule" and they went right to their spot to see where/what to do next, get their little piece of the "puzzle" to do next and go where, then "plug in" and velcro it where it went when they got there! at 3 yrs old! if they can get it, we can to! lol
I learned I am probably OCD! LOL One lady lives with an OCD dh, and when I told her "I'm notOCD, just perfectionist....this is what I do" and she could finish it..... she said "oh hunny, you are soooooo OCD"! LOL Good thing I am already on meds that help it (I heard from someone else! LOL)
We got our IEP for dd10, so she is FINALLY getting the help she needs at school! They are probably going to test her for her "attention" LOL but I am so excited for her now! She is going to feel so much more confident in school! We have discovered (on our own) about Cover Overlays for her reading because the words "jiggle" so she confirmed to me this weekend, so will talk to the school on monday about it. or at least just send letter to the resource teacher. told them about her stomach aches/headaches, and they finally paid attention to it, and not sure what they will do about it, but glad the chamomile tea is working for her in that respect. Gotta love chamomile tea!
Honey has been home all week on vacation, and of course I had to work! That's ok! With me getting progressively sicker, he had more and more responsibility pushed on him, and he really stepped up to the plate on a lot of fronts! I was so proud of how well he worked with dd10 and I felt sooooo loved this weekend when I would be sitting on the couch and he would just bring me food without me even asking for it! Those are the things that make me feel loved! Poor thing is an IT geek at work, so he had to take care of my computer last night, then go into work this am at 7 because there was a virus on ALLLLLL the computers at the 2 plants there! dunno when he will be home, but I hope I can get some laundry/dishes done before he gets here, and also get the menu made.
I did a bit of "grocery gaming" this weekend.... it is now a verb in our house, not a website! LOL we were soooo out of many essentials and I was tired of it, so I grabbed a ton of different coupons and stocked up on shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, bar soap, laundry soap and softner. Yes, it was a chunk of money. Thank goodness Uncle Sam came through on friday so I could do this, but overall, I saved $100 and spent $200. That's not bad! Considering we won't be buying that stuff for at least a few months! And now I can just buy a couple things at a time, and it will be cheaper in the long run!
Ok, so, time to go figure out menu for next week, will inventory the freezers/pantry and see what we shall see. Be back in a bit!
Patience pays off...part 2
So on Wednesday, 12 August, I received those stem cells. And it wasn't 24
hours later when I felt like I just been hit by a truck. Fatigue . . . loss
of a...
9 years ago
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