I had to laugh last night. I really tried to "cheat" and use jar spaghetti sauce instead of making it like I usually do. I added meat to it, heated it up, let my "biggest critic" try it.... her face screwed up like I had given her dirt to eat! LOLOLOLOL MOOOOM It needs rosemary AT LEAST! It's JUST BLAH! NOT your usual stuff! LOL Boy did that teach me, huh? So, I went about doctoring it up! After a while, they were somewhat happy with me (everyone in the house) but I learned my lesson.... it saved me a few minutes on the front, but in the end, I still had to do all the work I usually do...... so.....(and it cost more because 1 jar is $1.25, and I got 2 jars! compared to 3 cans of tomato paste at .33 cents each!)
It just goes to prove..... kids know quality, and the more expensive isn't always the best! What do you make that is cheap that people just can't get enough of? Have you tried "short cuts" that cost you more and people just hated it? I bet so!
When planning things for meals kids just want you to keep it simple... yes they like lots of flavors, but ask them what they like and I'm sure you might be surprised what their favorites are! When my kids as for corn chowder for their birthday dinner it shocks me every time! LOL
When we get back to "cooking from stump", as my husbands grandma used to say, the food tastes better, is more healthy, and people can tell the difference. Start cooking like that for a while, and when you change back, people will revolt. Try it! You just might be surprised what a "great cook" you become by trying out those old cookbooks from your mom or grandma!
Patience pays off...part 2
So on Wednesday, 12 August, I received those stem cells. And it wasn't 24
hours later when I felt like I just been hit by a truck. Fatigue . . . loss
of a...
9 years ago
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