had been trying all week to get ahold of them, but no such luck- had to "talk to one person" and kept getting her voice mail. I was so nice today and said I kept getting it, is she out this week... and they were nice, got my file, and scheduled me for this coming Monday - so in 5 days!
In some ways I am sooooo excited, and ready to get it over with... ready to get on with my life. I feel like I've been on "pause" for a few months now (since January)....
In other ways I am really nervous again. I remember what happened last time with my antibiotic drops (I was allergic), and how stressed I got near the end of the surgery, and all the things I need to do to get the house/family ready again for this.... including food in the freezer, laundry, cleaning, etc.....
Time to take a deep breath.... focus on relaxing and not stressing everyone out before monday! ;)
Before I called, I had updated/printed out lists for everyone from the www.handipoints.com website.... the kids love to play there, so I need to give them a way to earn the points to "buy" more stuff.....and this way everyone will see what to do when I am down again. I will be able to add to the list for next week while I am down so they can pick up my slack, and I can just make sure they are doing their lists..... I SO love this site for younger ones (they love playing on it with things they earn) and older ones (they can use their other way of earning for earning "things" as well), and for me and hubby to keep us on track! We all have accounts so I can add/subtract from our lists as I need. Saturday I will update/print the lists for the next week so maybe things will go smoother this time......
Ready to get this over with and on with my life...
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