I saw something under my "Einstein quote of the day" (an ad) and I am tempted to pull it just because of that, but I like the quotes! So I am just putting a quick blurb here......It said something about ebay.
I have used ebay in the past, we have made money using ebay in the past, over the last couple years it has gotten a "different vibe" and rules/regulations have changed and I now tell people that if you want to get a bargin that isn't always the place to go. If you are looking for chain store stuff but can't find it, look on ebay, but we won't ever sell on there again. Just our 2 cents. Too much hassle, too many changes to the original intent, and not worth it to US anymore. If you are looking for an "at home job" ebay is NOT the place to start.
I was going to save this for another day post, but since I am here, I have tried Craigslist for other things (selling, buying, looking for services, posting services) some have had great success on it, maybe it is just my area, or what I am looking for, but I can't say my success has be great.
I like Freecycle, but it can be iffy too. Just make sure you aren't there when the person comes to pick up the stuff, because you may not like who is receiving it, or you may be expected to help load it and you may not want to. if you are looking for something, it is nice to look on there, but all those "wanted" posts wear me thin all the dang time! especially when they are from one or two people mostly.
Thats why I choose to give to thrift stores (either local or large ones) . some stores around here- what they sell, the profit helps pay for lights/water, etc for locals who can't afford, or they help to buy supplies for the food bank in back of the store, other places I give to are large (goodwill, salvation army, etc). It just depends on the mood I am in. Don't forget pregnancy crisis centers, womens shelters, etc.
God blessed you with these items for a reason, and yea, it would be nice to get money out of them especially in these hard times, but in the bible it says that God loves a cheerful giver, and he will give back to you 10-fold. Have faith. There is someone out there that needs it more than you do, and if you can't sell it cheaply (as in low overhead, or work on your part), then you might as well just give it away. At least that's the way I look at it.
Patience pays off...part 2
So on Wednesday, 12 August, I received those stem cells. And it wasn't 24
hours later when I felt like I just been hit by a truck. Fatigue . . . loss
of a...
9 years ago
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