Sorry I haven't posted in 2 days! It sure has been busy around here! I actually had my first substitute teacher job yesterday! for 6th grade! I was soooooo nervous, but by the end of the day I had the hang of it and it was a blast! I even got a complement in the last period! One of the boys told me he had asked a friend "how's the sub in her class" and was told I was "really nice"! yay!!!!Guess I will be happy and call it a triumph for the day! I learned a couple things: TAKE A BOOK!!!! TAKE WATER!!!!! LOL OMG was I bored the first half of the day- until I was able to go to my van and find a book! but by then I was sooo bored, the book made me sleepy and I had to get up and walk around! BUT it did give me time to work on my control journal pages and that is a good thing! LOL
So, today we pick up angel food! I canNOT wait! It is like manna from heaven on these days! esp when the freezer is bare, the fridges are light and the pantries are near empty (along with the bank acct!) There will still be some needs on the grocery list this week (TP, body wash, bread, milk, apples to start) but overall it should be another (hopefully!) cheap week! We are expecting TAXES to come in this coming friday! yay! then we will have a little wiggle room. to pay bills! LOL that's ok, that's what it's there for! the rest will go back to our emergency fund to build it up after us paying about $2000 on our van! UGH!!!! I hate transmissions!
After angel food pickup I will be posting again our menu for the week, and any recipes. I will also try to post a couple cheap/easy recipes our family loves. Today is "kids choice/kids cook" so it will be interesting what they come up with for dinner! I predict.....chicken nuggets and fries! LOL
I was talking to dd12 this morning and we were trying to decide on a "pet project" for her, something she could really get behind and feel good about supporting. I told her I would give her $20 and she could buy baking supplies and have a bake sale. with that money turn it around and buy more and have another, etc etc. do this throughout the year, and at the end of the year turn the money around for her charity. She thought this was a great idea, and she started out wanting to do it for St. Jude. Which is a WONDERFUL charity. we also talked about Vanderbilt Children's Hospital (in town) and homeless children, children from battered homes, etc. What she decided is at the end of the year, the money she has collected will go to buy gifts, we will divide them in 1/3 and 1/3 will go to Vanderbilt, 1/3 to homeless shelters, and 1/3 to battered shelters. She also wants to do for military families! she is just an amazing kid! She is quite a self centered? child at times so I wanted her to find something to look beyond and see a bigger picture. So I think this will be a great thing for her, and she is at a great age to start doing it. I also encouraged her to do this with her friends, start a blog about it, etc. I am really excited for her! I will keep you posted on how it's coming!
well, off to get ready for pickup! I can't wait!!!! rofl! it's like winning the lottery every month! hehehehe
Patience pays off...part 2
So on Wednesday, 12 August, I received those stem cells. And it wasn't 24
hours later when I felt like I just been hit by a truck. Fatigue . . . loss
of a...
9 years ago
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