Happy Presidents day/Family day Everyone! Hope you are enjoying this day! For us americans, this means we have a "day off" from most things...school, mail, banks....but not creditors calling, some jobs, and figuring out more ways to save money! LOL
So, I went to Aldi with list in hand and spent $41.71. I must admit I added 3 things to my list that weren't on there : 1 lb of butter and 2 boxes of hamburger helper. the butter was 1.99 (compared to 2.99 at foodlion, etc) and the hamburger helper was .96 each. I got those items because :1. I was getting a bit low on butter and forgot to put it on my list, and 2. I forgot to put the ribs in the crockpot, so I needed a quick dinner for cheap and knew I had hamburger coming out my ears at home. I was pretty happy overall with my spending. Add to that the $25ish I spent the night before and we are up to about $66 for the week for the 5 of us. Let's see how it goes! lol
So, today I really want to talk about making things easier on you. Sometimes the cheapest isn't always the best, and sometimes doing more ahead of time is better for saving money.
A week ago or so I was running low on laundry detergent and fabric softner. I have learned to love liquid softner for my washer, so I was really trying to find a new good smelling alternative. Food Lion has a new brand out and so I thought since it was cheap I would try it.
I have started watering down the snuggle 1/2 and 1/2 when i get a new bottle because, what do we do anyway? Put a capful in, then add more water. so, to save myself time (and ultimately money) I started watering it down when I found that tip on another site. I found that the water really didn't reduce the effect I was looking for, and it stretched the softner farther because I would still do a capful, then add water! When my snuggle ran out, I added 1/2 the bottle of the "new stuff' to my old snuggle bottle (it was a bit thin looking from the beginning), and filled up 1/2 way with water, etc. well, I was highly disappointed the first load when I did what I normally did with snuggle and my laundry came out smelling not like I expected. Usually I do a load before I go to bed, then start it in the dryer in the am. In the am it should still smell nice, this time it didn't smell all that wonderful. I am now up to filling up the softner holder with 3 capfuls and am somewhat happy with the outcome. I learned sometimes cheaper isn't better. I will be getting snuggle or suavatel after this runs out! As far as the soap goes, it is gloppy, but it does the job, so..... if I can get my fav cheaper I will.
As far as making things ahead, I have told you I use coupons, and I guess tomorrow will be the day to talk about them, but what I do is "stockpile" food. Like I have 4 large boxes "add water pancake mix". I had an extra kid here this am (dd12's friend spent the night) so I made 1/2 the box and what is leftover I will freeze for fast breakfasts in the am. My kids are notorious for not wanting to eat in the am "it takes too long" etc, so if I can pull out premade pancakes and heat them up in 30 seconds, it makes mom feel good! lol
Sunday is my "big cooking day" I LOVE to cook (you have to, to save money!) so I will spend tons of time in the kitchen cooking. On sunday I will make several meals for the week, or a big pot of soup for the family to use as lunches (one dd in particular loves hot meals instead of sandwiches for lunches), when I came in from aldi yesterday I had 3 bags of "chips"- cheetos (not fluffy), fritos and pretzel sticks. I bagged them all up in portions for lunches. This guarantees they won't be taking too many then throwing them away, and it also helps to make sure they aren't over eating as well! Some weeks I have even been known to have the kids make up their sandwiches for the week and put them in the fridge so it is easier in the am (hmmmm sounds like a plan for the week! LOL).
When making dinner, make enough for 2 nights, then you can freeze one meal for another time when you are too tired and want to go "out" to eat. It will be cheaper, healthier, and actually easier because you don't have to drive anywhere. Make sure you have a sharpie on hand to write on the plastic freezer bags what is in there, and when it was made (some things all look alike when frozen!) Don't forget to ask yourself when cooking "if I don't use as much of this meat as it calls for (or as I usually use) what else can I use it for"? Leftover taco meat one night becomes taco cups the next night, leftover spaghetti sauce and noodles one night become 3 lunches for you and honey to take for work! I always make too many noodles and too much sauce on spaghetti night for just that reason. Then and when we have beef stroganoff, etc. If there is enough leftover for 5 meals, heck! make 5 lunches! pretty soon you will have a good variety in the freezer and you won't have to go out anymore!
Have fun cooking! Remember it can be fun! Get the whole family involved if you want to! Unfortunatly I have no patience due to my condition (perfectionism) LOL so I just do it myself, but then again, I LOVE doing it! find new recipes! remember the old ones! ask your family what they want to eat, or what their favorite is! You just might be surprised! don't forget to eat around that table to reconnect with eachother!
Patience pays off...part 2
So on Wednesday, 12 August, I received those stem cells. And it wasn't 24
hours later when I felt like I just been hit by a truck. Fatigue . . . loss
of a...
9 years ago
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